Donate Today

SPRYE Annual Appeal Donation

Thank you for your support!

Contribute to SPRYE and make a difference!

Help SPRYE make it possible for our members to enjoy a fuller life from the comfort of the home they love. 

We depend on YOU for your support. SPRYE gets no funding from city, state, or federal dollars, so you are the ones who make the difference for older adults who want to remain in their homes and stay connected to their communities in meaningful ways. 

Help SPRYE bring the programs, outings, technology training, connections, and personalized assistance to our members, now eligible at the new minimum age of 55! YOUR donation is deeply appreciated. 

Legacy Giving

SPRYE welcomes gifts of stock and distributions from IRAs and donor-advised funds. Please remember SPRYE in your estate planning. Contact SPRYE for details.

SPRYE is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Donations to SPRYE are deductible under applicable sections of the Internal Revenue Code.